Sunday, April 3, 2011

Spring Break For Some, Spring Cleaning For Me!

It's spring break here in the Bluegrass! I do private tutoring in several counties and they're all out of school at the same time next week, so I will have a nice break as well! That means no lesson planning, no paperwork, no researching lessons online and no driving to and fro to my students' homes and schools. Ahhh...a nice week at home to do some cleaning. I just got to thinking...what do people actually do for spring cleaning? 

Around my house growing up, my mother would give all the windows a good washing, shampoo the carpets and try to clean out and organize the closets. I think that's a good place to start if you're house is generally in order to begin with. But mine is not unfortunately. I'm spending today (all of Sunday), just getting the Mt. Vesuvius of clothes in my laundry room folded and put away. My daughter's room is a toys disaster, my spare bedroom is essentially a junk room that needs a complete overhaul and my bedroom closets and dresser drawers need cleaned out and organized, as well as the winter clothes put away and our spring and summer clothes bought out (if it would ever warm up!).

I'm going to be posting before and after pics of my progress this week, so stay tuned! First on the list, getting the laundry room cleaned out and organized! See pics tomorrow!

In the meantime, let me know....what do you do to "Spring Clean?"


  1. I get the good old Mister Clean out and wash all the baseboards and walls. Gets the grime off. I attempt to wash windows, but since I hate to do them I hire it out. I also open the windows and air this place out. Good luck on the spring cleaning.

  2. Love your blog Angie!! Looking foward to more posts!! Anyways I like organizing! I went to the dollar store and bought a bunch of baskets and such and went through all my junk and condensed a lot of it. It makes me a lot more happier. Lots of dusting too.


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