Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter 2011...A Really Great Weekend!

This Easter weekend was uniquely special this year. I'm not sure why? It just seemed like everyone in the family was happy to be together. We experienced a death in our family last week, a few days before Good Friday, so I think maybe we were just really thankful to have each other to enjoy one more year!

G doing her "pageant pose!" She's so cute!!!

The grandparents (and great-grandparent) seemed so happy to spend time with little G. She played and played and played. She's so happy there, that instead of wringing my hands, wondering who was going to babysit her when both of us have to work Wednesday, I just decided to leave her with my parents and let them have a good long visit with her. She doesn't even seem to miss us, she's having so much fun!

Bobby participated in a "cross-walk" to help raise money for Speed The Light. He walked 13 miles (and got a blistering sunburn) with a group of about 100 people (20 or so finished the entire 13 miles) and carried the cross himself several times. He also almost got hit by a car while he was towing the cross, but came away without a scratch! I guess you couldn't not be blessed and protected from danger if you were physically carrying a big ol' cross! The angels were certainly with him!


He also went to a big Christian rock concert with his sister to see Newsboys and Disciple. 

They always have fun together at those things! I'm glad she goes with him, because it's not my very favorite way to spend an evening...but they enjoy it, so that makes me happy!

Daddy was at the concert, baby was visiting his parents, so I spent the evening taking a nice, long uninterrupted NAP! And it was a great, restful nap too. I fell asleep in my mother's room which has one of those big, loud floor fans that puts me into a trance or something! I sleep so good when that thing's runnin'! I wish I had one in my own room, but I'd be afraid I wouldn't hear G in the middle of the night if something were wrong, so I make the sacrifice to sleep lightly for her. (do you hear the violins?)

And on Sunday, we all got up early and went to church with my family. 

Baby G right before we left. I was so proud of the deal I got on this dress! I found it at Macy's on clearance for $14.99! It had a giant crinoline underneath and a big satin bow around the waist. It was a really nice dress! It wouldn't have been my first choice, but a dress becomes a lot cuter when it's only $14.99 and all the others around it are $49.99! ha! 
My sister got her the pretty little white 
shrug which set it off perfectly!

I sang a couple of songs and later the kids hunted Easter eggs in the mud! It's funny. This church asks folks to bring in 2 dozen real hard-boiled eggs...not plastic ones, but real ones that you have to dye and decorate yourself!!! I think they might be the only church in America that still hides real eggs on Easter! But you know, I think it's a little more special. It certainly was when we were kids. And you have egg salad for days to boot! ha!

The big Easter egg hunt!
G with her little cousin right after...

 Bobby's sister made a fantastic dinner and of course we stuffed ourselves! And the kids hid more eggs and played!

Playing with the cousins after our 2nd dinner of the day!

It's so nice to have a kid of my own to enjoy during the holidays!

So here I am, a day later in my nice, quiet house, reflecting on how good Jesus is and what an expensive price He paid for us, so that we could have life, and that more abundantly! Thank you Father for this beautiful, abundantly good life you've given me! What a gift!


  1. Your daughter's dress is beautiful, I love the sash! :D

    Happy Easter, Angie!

  2. G looks adorable! I love her pretty dress.


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