Thursday, February 24, 2011

Surprise! A New Look!

Call it a midlife crisis, call it a fantasy of my husband's, call it whatever you want.

But here is my NEW LOOK!

A while back I was admiring this girl at my church who had GORGEOUS, long brunette hair that always looked incredible! One day I just went up to her and told her how beautiful it was and that I had always wanted long hair and just could never grow it out. She was like, "Girl, these are just extensions. I just clip them in. They're like $50 bucks at Sally's." She was so forthcoming and just cool about it. But the crazy thing is, I didn't believe her. They just looked so natural. Then she proceeded to show me where they were clipped in, etc. I was like, "No, no! I don't want to know! You need to keep some mystery girl!" And we laughed about it.

So the next week, I pointed her out to my husband and told him that her long gorgeous hair was mostly extensions! He couldn't believe it either. Then I proceeded to tell him that they came from Sally's etc. etc.

So, you will never guess what he got me for Valentines Day...A SALLY'S GIFT CARD FOR $50! He just thought it would be fun for me to try them. And of course, he himself wanted to see what it was like having a wifey with long gorgeous hair (so I guess you could say that gift was mostly for him! LOL). So I thought, ok...for fun, I'll try them out.

For about a week, I watched youtube videos with girls who showed you how to put them in and style them. They made it look so easy! I was actually really depressed about it if I were being honest. You see, I don't only have very fine, thin hair, I have thinning hair and have experienced quite a bit of hair loss over the past 15 years or so. And much more since having my daughter. So, needless to say, I'm pretty self-conscious about my hair. I'm never happy with it. When I grow it out, it just looks stringy and wicked witch-like, and when I cut it short, it just doesn't suit me. And styling it so that you don't see my baldness so much is pretty exhausting. So, I didn't want to get my hopes up that my hair would actually look as awesome as those girls in the youtube videos. It couldn't possibly! But I bit the bullet and decided to go for it anyway. If anything, for my husband, who had his hopes up, I think.

So, I made my way to Sally's and looked around and found a set of human hair extensions on sale for $49.99! Then the sales associate held up a swatch called "Sedona" to my hair and it was a PERFECT MATCH! It was actually very weird how perfect it was...our jaws were on the floor! So I bought them and some clips (because you have to sew on your own clips) and brought them home!

After painstakingly sewing on the clips, washing and styling them, it was finally time to put them in. I could tell right away that I needed to trim them some...they were way too long. So I gave them a trim (about 2 inches) and tried again. And low and behold, they looked AMAZING! My husband couldn't believe it. I saw a little twinkle in his eye and a big smile come across his face when I emerged from the bathroom to unveil the new do! He loves it!

I showed up at church with them in and no one, not even my life group friends could figure out what I had done differently. They were like, "You look different somehow?" When I told them about my hair, they couldn't get over what a match they were and how they looked so natural!

I had some reservations about even telling, because I am s0 self-conscious and don't want people staring at and studying my hair! But I thought, if the girl at church, the girls on youtube, and even Kathy Ireland (she spoke at my company's convention last October and confessed that she was wearing hair extensions!) can boldly share it with the world, then I could just be honest and put it out there! However, I did have one girl who said, "You're the only while girl I've ever known with hair extensions!" And I corrected her and said, "Ha! That's what you think! There are many right here in this church!"

So, needless to say, I've been having fun with my new, longer tresses. I still think they may need a couple more inches taken off to be just right, but for now, the long hair is a blast. Especially for someone like me who could NEVER have long, thick hair.

So....what do you think?

And let me encourage you. If you've ever wanted to try something fun to change up your look, try clip in, human hair extensions. They cost less than a new color or highlights from the salon I can promise you that! And you can wash them, use products on them, blow dry them, color them, perm them, style them...anything you can do with your hair, you can do to your extensions! Let me know if you do!


  1. You look great Angie, thanks for sharing!

  2. I had actually seen your picture on FB, and was thinking how pretty you look with long hair! I would have never guessed that those were extensions. I too love long hair, but it seems as you get older that your hair starts to thin, and like you said...not look so pretty when it's long. So glad you liked them, and nothing wrong with a little boost to your self esteem.

  3. I love the extensions..You go girl!!

  4. I think you hair looks great! I sure wouldn't know they were extensions if you hadn't 'fessed up! you look very pretty.


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