Thursday, May 12, 2011

My Sweet Angel is 3 Today!

My husband made the video below of our daughter for her 3rd birthday. It is just precious (good job honey!). The song on the video is actually the inspiration for her name (I try not to use her name on this blog too often, but oh well...). We couldn't think of ANYTHING for months! And finally, when I was about 6 months pregnant, it came to me (with a little help from High School and I rushed home and made my husband put in the album with that song on it. We both got a little teary and just knew....GABRIELLA! You'll see what I mean. It's a beautiful song. He sings it to her every night before she goes to bed and she knows practically all of the words herself!!!

Our little "G-baby" is a light. Everywhere she goes, since she was a newborn, she has always gotten noticed and people smile when they meet her. Then, it was because of her thick head of dark brown hair. She got a lot of attention for that. Now, it's because of her long blonde hair and adorable smile. She's friendly and talks to people which melts their heart. Her middle name really says it all...she's just a JOY!

Happy birthday my little baby. I am the luckiest mommy in the world! May you be blessed on this day, your birthday and for all the days to come. Your mommy and daddy love you more than anything!

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